A shonen slice of life manga series, Ruri Dragon easily became one of the favorites of the readers of the Weekly Shonen Jump. It follows Ruri Aoki who, from living a normal life as a Japanese girl like any others, gets her life changes when she got horns coming out of her head.

Ruri Aoki soon learns the truth from her mother that she is a half-human, half-dragon wherein the latter is from her father, Ryu. While dealing with her horns, Ruri tries to make it seem as if normal and she goes to school like nothing is happening.

Ruri Dragon is a manga series of Masaoki Shindo which was originally a one-shot under Shueisha’s Jump Giga and until December 2020, it started being published under the Weekly Shonen Jump. However, just after two months, it is coming to a temporary closure.

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Weekly Shonen Jump releases an official announcement regarding the hiatus of Ruri Dragon due to the failing health condition of Masaoki Shindo, “Thank you for reading Ruri Dragon every week. Due to the poor physical condition of Masaoki Shindo, Ruri Dragon will enter hiatus starting Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #35.”

In addition, “The series was already absent from Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #33 and the editorial department looked for a way to create a sustainable schedule while facing the mangaka’s health condition, but after various discussions with Masaoki Shindo, it has been decided it would be better for them to take a break to recover so the serialization continues in perfect conditions in the future.”

The hiatus is indefinite, “We will inform of the series’ comeback in upcoming Weekly Shonen Jump issues. We are very sorry to all readers who were looking forwared to the series and kept sending comments and letters.”

Moreover, “We will do our best to bring back Ruri’s daily life, so we would appreciate it if you could look over us in the future. We look forward to your continued support of Ruri Dragon.”

This is not the first time a manga series gets a hiatus due to the health conditions of the creators. Examples in the past years are Kohei Horikoshi of My Hero Academia, Gege Akutami of Jujutsu Kaisen, and Yuki Tabata of Black Clover. These authors took their time to go on a break and prioritize their health issues.

If there is something that the global pandemic has taught people, it is to prioritize health over anything and everything because without it, nothing will happen. Hopes are all out there for Masaoki Shindo for his health condition to get better soon.

Existing releases of Ruri Dragon are available on Weekly Shonen Jump.

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