The announcement of the anime getting a manga adaptation was made in the latest issue of Monthly Comic Flapper. There, details about the manga were revealed, alongside a special commemorative artwork featuring main characters, Chisato Nishigiki and Takina Inoue. The upcoming manga adaptation will be drawn by Yasunori Bizen and will serialize in Monthly Comic Flapper. The first chapter is set to release in the next issue of the magazine. This isn’t the first time that an anime series is getting a manga adaptation. For instance, there’s the RWBY: Ice Queendom manga which was released following the anime’s premiere. Though it’s still interesting to see Lycoris Recoil get a manga this quickly. After all, unlike RWBY which is based on an existing franchise, this show is an original work. The show’s popularity is quite a surprise, especially considering that it airs in a season that has several highly anticipated sequels, including the likes of Overlord IV and Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun. Soon after it was released though, Lycoris Recoil proved to be a hit. In fact, it was even noticed and praised by notable video game director, Hideo Kojima. Lycoris Recoil (also called LycoReco for short) is an original anime series by A-1 Pictures that is directed by Shingo Adachi and written by Asaura. The series is set in an alternate version of Japan where an all-female group of assassins and spies called “Lycoris” is tasked with taking down criminals and terrorists. Among them is Takina, a Lycoris agent who is demoted for disobeying orders. She is assigned to work under Chisato, an expert Lycoris agent who works in an agency branch that is disguised as a café. While Takina is a serious agent that is set on getting her old position back, Chisato is a more carefree girl. With their clashing personalities, Takina must get along with Chisato if she wants to get her previous position back. New episodes of the series are released every week on Crunchyroll.

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